Course management Easy Course Oversight

Automate administrative processes and make everyday tasks easy.

Your team will love Interactive Learning's short course management software system

Course scheduling Manage repeating courses

Does it feel like you are entering the same course information, over and over? Course templates and presets automatically pre-fill this information, making scheduling courses that re-run on multiple dates and locations easy. You can also import your events from a spreadsheet to schedule multiple courses in one action.

Automated workflows Go paperless

Attendance sheets are so yesterday! With Interactive Learning’s mobile app, instructors simply need to record attendance at the beginning of the training session, and the Interactive Learning course management system handles the rest. This includes automated tasks such as sending feedback surveys, issuing certificates, and providing follow-up offers. This streamlined process not only saves time and money but also aligns with environmentally friendly practices. It ensures that you can efficiently manage your training programs while staying up-to-date with modern technology and practices.

Automated emails Simplify your communication

Tired of spending hours copying information into emails, checking if you’ve sent that payment reminder or updating customers of changes? Using Interactive Learning you can sit back and relax, emails are seamlessly integrated so your customers and team have the latest information. Make your emails standout with custom styling so your customers will never miss it.

Private course management Manage private courses with ease

You have the flexibility to tailor your training to specific groups, including creating customized, in-house courses that aren't publicly listed on your website. Additionally, you can streamline communication by designating a key contact person to manage interactions related to these specialized courses. This approach allows you to provide a more personalized and targeted learning experience for your intended audience.

Running private courses for individual organisations or groups of people is easy with Interactive Learning course management software.

Task sets Stay organised

Managing the multitude of small yet crucial tasks involved in course management can be challenging. However, with Interactive Learning, you don't need to worry about missing any important details. You can effortlessly attach task sets to your course templates, ensuring that each future course scheduled based on that template comes with a built-in task checklist. This checklist allows you to assign tasks and then mark them off as they are completed, providing you with the assurance that you're well-prepared for another successful course.

Task sets help you to manage your courses with smart software

Registration limits Run profitable courses

You can have confidence in the financial viability of your courses by ensuring that you have enough registrations to cover costs and generate a profit. With a quick look at your dashboard, you can instantly see the current enrollment status of each course in real-time. This provides valuable insights, allowing you to take proactive measures such as boosting marketing efforts or considering additional course sessions if needed to maximize profitability.

Registrations limits ensure that you don't under or overbook any of your courses.

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